Oz TV Wiki

Annabelle Hill is the wife of inmate Augustus Hill portrayed by Angela Meryl.

Season 4 Part I[]

She visits Augustus Hill regularly. During one of these visits he sees one of the cops who arrested him the night he was thrown off a building, Nancy who visits detective Johnny Basil, who at the time was working undercover in Oz as Desmond Mobay. Later Augustus Hill recognizes Nancy and confronts Johnny Basil who then beats Hill to hospital. Because of this incident he then confesses to pushing former police officer Bruno Goergen on the elevator shaft.

Season 5[]

In season 5, Annabelle wants to divorce Hill after 7 years of being together.

The Visitors

Hank Schillinger - Carrie Schillinger - Heinrick Schillinger - Annette Osorio - Javier Osorio - Rosetta Wangler - Laura Wangler - Annabelle Hill - Eugenia Hill - Carmen Alvarez - Sonsyrea Arif - Sadiyo Khan - Genevieve Beecher - Harrison Beecher - Norma Clark - Cathy Jo Cutler - Cornelius Keane - Jack Eldridge - Jessica Kirk - Brenda O'Reily - Shannon O'Reily - Margarita Ricardo - Tina Rivera - Tricia Ross
